
What is SMS marketing?

Discover how companies are effectively using SMS to communicate directly with customers, improve engagement and boost conversions through higher open rates. Learn how to create impactful SMS campaigns with our practical strategies and tips for maximizing your reach and revenue.
Qu'est-ce que le SMS marketing



How do I get started with personalization in marketing?

Maximize customer engagement and loyalty with effective personalization strategies. Discover why 80% of consumers prefer brands that offer a personalized experience and how you can start improving your conversions and retention today.


How to do a relationship marketing strategy: types of strategies + examples

Discover how to create a customized relationship marketing strategy that strengthens the bond between brand and consumer, leading to scalable growth and long-term benefits.

Omni-Channel Marketing Campaign

How to find your email frequency sweet spot

Email frequency is something you should take seriously. The number of emails sent over a period of time can have an impact on your revenue and your engagement rate. So how to determine the optimal email frequency?


What is marketing technology (MarTech) and why is it important today?

Discover the importance of marketing technology (MarTech) in today's landscape: strategy optimization, automation, and personalization for an unprecedented customer experience. Explore how MarTech is transforming data collection, campaign development, and performance analysis for enhanced efficiency and ROI.


What Is a Noreply Email and Why You Should Avoid It

Explore why "noreply" emails create barriers between businesses and customers, and how embracing open communication enhances email marketing success. Essential reading for marketers aiming to foster genuine connections and trust.


What are the Benefits of Relationship Marketing?

Discover how relationship marketing transforms customer engagement into a winning strategy, increasing loyalty, satisfaction and revenue. Essential for any company aiming for sustainable growth.


How Relationship Marketing Transforms Business: What It Is and Why It’s Essential 

Discover the essentials of relationship marketing: building customer loyalty, maximizing CLV, and transforming buyers into lifelong brand advocates.

Omni-Channel Marketing Campaign

Erratum in an email sample : How to survive email mistakes?

You made a mistake? Why not try to turn this embarrassing situation to your advantage? Some “Oops” messages even get better results than the originals. You just need to get this one right.

Blog, Personalization

Advantages and challenges of hyper-personalized email

Personalization is an increasingly important part of retail in North America. This responds to the needs of new generations of consumers (Generation Y) for whom the purchasing process has changed significantly compared to previous generations. In fact, 71% of current consumers are disappointed when a shopping experience is impersonal (Segment 2017) and 70% of millennial consumers are offended by brands that send irrelevant emails (SmarterHQ). These statistics remind us on the importance of personalizing the customer experience in order to attract their interest, obtain their loyalty and increase their shopping basket. However, to be able to differentiate yourself from the competition, you now have to push the customization to the maximum. It is now a question of hyper-personalization.


Email Segmentation: Elevate Your Marketing Strategy 

Boost your email marketing strategy with segmentation: Increase open rates and conversions while building loyalty by tailoring messages to specific audience groups. Learn how now.


Relationship marketing: 7 trends for 2023

The beginning of the year is an ideal time to set goals and plan for the coming year. The end of sanitary measures and the return to a certain reality caused some upheavals in 2022. The year 2023 will be full of challenges as well. To address these challenges, here are 7 relationship marketing trends for 2023.

Omni-Channel Marketing Campaign

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting the Perfect Newsletter: Best Practices Revealed

Crafting the perfect newsletter can be a tricky task, especially for those who are new to the process. You want to ensure that your newsletter is engaging, informative and attractive to your readers. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a marketing whiz to create a great newsletter.